The City of Petaluma Recreation Department has published the new commemorative bench program that applies to all benches in the city, including the most popular site, Shollenberger Park. PWA has been helping repair and refurbish the current set of benches in Alman...
Jerry and Diane Pozo finally were able to bring their family out to their new bench after all were vaccinated. This is the new style and material of bench that is guaranteed for 50 years. They are birdwatchers and love to view the birds in the mudflat the bench faces....
Aiden Gilmore finished his Eagle Scount project today at Shollenberger Park by leding Troop74 in refurbishing 5 benches and 1 kiosk. The benches got bolts tightened, surfaces brushed and sanded and then brushed with Arborcoat. Parents worked on the kiosk removing...