Eagle Scout completes project at Shollenberger

Eagle Scout completes project at Shollenberger

Aiden Gilmore finished his Eagle Scount project today at Shollenberger Park by leding Troop74 in refurbishing 5 benches and 1 kiosk. The benches got bolts tightened, surfaces brushed and sanded and then brushed with Arborcoat. Parents worked on the kiosk removing...
Kiosk cleaned and painted.

Kiosk cleaned and painted.

With the help of Earl Herr, John Shribbs cleaned and painted the large entrance kiosk at Shollenberger Park. We brushed off the cobwebs and remnants of swallow mud nest, wire brushed all wood surfaces, sanded off marks, then sealed all the wood surfaces with a UV...
New Bench Project Started

New Bench Project Started

John Shribbs and Earl Herr have started a new bench project at Shollenberger Park with 3 benches completed last week. Restoring includes wire brushing, sanding, tightening bolts, and sealing with UV protectant. We will also work on the kiosks as we move by them. If...
Green Heron Chicks

Green Heron Chicks

From Len Nelson: On the bird survey of Shollenberger of June 25th, a Green Heron nest was sited. Deb Sheppard got an image of 3 chicks in the nest and a hint of a 4th. I went back a few times to where she said it was located but failed to find it until yesterday, 7/2....
Pickleweed maintenance at Shollenberger Park

Pickleweed maintenance at Shollenberger Park

From Chelsea Thompson, City of Petaluma Public Works & Utilities Department: The Shollenberger dredge disposal site has maintenance requirements in order to be used for dredge disposal during dredge events on the Petaluma River. The Shollenberger Marsh Management,...
QR codes now available on Shollenberger Self-guided Tour markers

QR codes now available on Shollenberger Self-guided Tour markers

QR codes are now attached at each post of the Shollenberger Park Self-guided Tour.  In addition to a scanning app, Smart phone users will need to install Dropbox (free) in order to open the pdf image.  Use your smart phone to access information about Shollenberger...

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