With the help of Earl Herr, John Shribbs cleaned and painted the large entrance kiosk at Shollenberger Park. We brushed off the cobwebs and remnants of swallow mud nest, wire brushed all wood surfaces, sanded off marks, then sealed all the wood surfaces with a UV protectant. John fixed the lid of the brochure box with 3 layers: rubber seal, flashing, and linoleum, all from prior jobs. Cleaning the shingles and sealing them took a lot more time than expected since each shingle had to be hand brushed. It was worth the work since it looks like a new kiosk.
“Oonk-a-lunk” American Bittern
Walking through Shollenberger the other day, I had an unexpected encounter with one of nature's most elusive creatures – the American Bittern. I was alerted to its presence by its strange, guttural call. It is a deep, resonant "oonk-a-lunk" like a cross between a deep...