We have been working on cleaning up the plastic, rubber, and synthetic materials deposited from the dredging process. We are on Day 8 with over 100 volunteer hours from many people in our community and have removed 5 pickup truck loads of garbage from the...
The Shollenberger Marsh Management, Maintenance and Monitoring Plan was approved by USFWS in 2014 and requires annual maintenance of pickleweed in the Shollenberger dredge disposal site. This maintenance is to ensure the safety of the Salt Marsh Harvest Mouse during...
John R., Earl, Craig and John S. have been working on widening the Alman Marsh Trail from Sheraton to the bench and bridge over the creek. Compare the before and after shots. Let us know if you are interested in helping with trail maintenance.
The Friends of the Petaluma River is conducting a Petaluma River cleanup on September 15th. Please see their website for details. friendsofthepetalumariver.org/events/#petalumarivercleanup
From Chelsea Thompson, City of Petaluma Public Works & Utilities Department: The Shollenberger dredge disposal site has maintenance requirements in order to be used for dredge disposal during dredge events on the Petaluma River. The Shollenberger Marsh Management,...
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