Tuesday, July 23, was the bimonthly bird survey at Ellis Creek for the Petaluma Wetlands Alliance (PWA). The fog was burning off just in time as we set out at 7 AM. At the previous Ellis Creek survey in May, we observed two nesting pairs of Western Kingbirds. Much to...
John R., Earl, Craig and John S. have been working on widening the Alman Marsh Trail from Sheraton to the bench and bridge over the creek. Compare the before and after shots. Let us know if you are interested in helping with trail maintenance.
Authors of the new Petaluma Wetlands Field Guide will have two meet and greets with short presentations and slide show the end of this month. Thursday, July 25th, 7pm – 8pm at Petaluma Community Center off McDowell Wednesday, July 31st, 7pm – 8pm at...
Petaluma Wetlands Field Guide Endorsements — The Petaluma Wetlands Field Guide is a ‘must have’ for both the serious and casual nature lover, as well as for those interested in the history, preservation and natural setting of our Petaluma Watershed. As the...
Thursday, June 20, was the bimonthly bird survey at Shollenberger Park for the Petaluma Wetlands Alliance (PWA). Cloud coverage and distant fog greeted us, making for a beautifully moody setting. Right away, we encountered this male Ruddy Duck in breeding plumage...
Like a fledgling, our just published Petaluma Wetlands Field Guide has taken flight! The easy-to-use field guide has been flying off the shelf as word spreads in our community. The beautiful spiral-bound field guide, with its 200 photos and concise descriptions, is...