Will the Herons Return to Nest?

Will the Herons Return to Nest?

By Linda Sheppard For many years, Great Blue Herons, Great Egrets and Double Crested Cormorants have been nesting in three eucalyptus trees at the Ellis Creek Water Recycling Plant. The nesting area is not visible to the public from the Ellis Creek trails because the...

Monitoring Herons & Egrets at Ellis Creek

  Photo of Linda Sheppard & Len Nelson By Mary Kadri Among the several pleasures of volunteering with Petaluma Wetland Alliance, and then volunteering to help lead researcher Len Nelson, is that I had a chance to get exclusive access to the gated community of...
Riding with the Researcher

Riding with the Researcher

One of the first things Len Nelson, lead bird researcher, will tell you if you ask to go along on one of his birding trips, is “I hope you don’t have a time limit.” Take my word for it, clear your calendar for the day, it will be worth it! I recently had the privilege...
Eggs in Barn Owl Box

Eggs in Barn Owl Box

Owl pair in box have laid at least 7 eggs in the owl box in ECWRF. Was able to catch glimpse in short video below.
ECWRF Owl Box with Camera

ECWRF Owl Box with Camera

We cleaned out the large owl box on the dead eucalyptus tree and collected over 11 pounds of debris. Len and team will be pulling out all the pellets and analyzing the contents. John Shribbs is up on the 20 foot ladder with the blower doing the final step of cleanout....
Barn Owl Fledglings at ECWRF

Barn Owl Fledglings at ECWRF

Len Nelson went to view the owl box at Ellis Creek Water Recycling Facility with the owl cam at dusk and observed two young owlets poking their heads out of the owl box hole. He had to use very low settings and added time to get this shot on June 13, 2021. 

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