Chapter 4 of Bob’s Birds: Great-tailed Grackle, Quiscales mexicanus It has been named the “devil bird”. From USA Today (2013): “When they arrive in flocks, they cause trouble. The Kroeger supermarket on...
The sounds of spring Recordings of bird calls reveal hidden details about shifting state of native ecosystems By STEPHEN NETT FOR THE PRESS DEMOCRAT The drought has officially broken, the signs are everywhere. Lush grass carpets the hillsides, oaks are leafing...
From Deb Sheppard, visit to Shollenberger Park, April 14th: Like many of our birds at Shollenberger, the Eared Grebes are coming into their breeding plumage! During breeding season they display their golden plumes that give them their name Eared Grebe. The...
THE COMMON GALLINULE When I started “birding” about 20 years ago at Shollenberger, we called this species the “Common Moorhen”. It was renamed the “Common Gallinule in 2011 by the American Ornithologists’ Union. It is termed the...
From Bob Dyer, doing what he did best, sharing his love of nature, esp. birds: GREAT-TAILED GRACKLE NESTING, ELLIS CREEK, 2017 My images of Great-tailed Grackle in the Petaluma Wetlands go back to 2006, about the time they arrived here from the...
From Bob Dyer: Well, looks like our Red-shouldered Hawk are old enough! March 28. You have seen this before. Female is left and male to the right. March 29. These pictures were taken from 10:15 a.m to 11:00. After the photos, I am providing some nesting...