Latest News From Petaluma Wetlands Alliance
Stay up to date with our most recently published articlesBarn Owl Fledglings at ECWRF
Len Nelson went to view the owl box at Ellis Creek Water Recycling Facility with the owl cam at dusk and observed two young owlets poking their heads out of the owl box hole. He had to use very low...
read moreSTRAW and CGHS Native Plant Nursery
Clark Miller of the Argus Courier published his article today on the Native Plant Nursery that John Shribbs, current PWA President, created at Casa Grande High School while he was a teacher...
read morePozo Family gather at their bench together for first time.
Jerry and Diane Pozo finally were able to bring their family out to their new bench after all were vaccinated. This is the new style and material of bench that is guaranteed for 50 years. They are...
read moreNew Geology and Wetland Poster on PWA kiosk
A new Wetland Poster was attached to the parking lot kiosk. This is a special print of UV protected inks on an aluminum surface. Below is a new Geology of Petaluma Poster in the PWA Kiosk near...
read more3 days of Earth Day Cleanup at Shollenberger Park Central Pond
Twelve people showed up today to help pick up the litter that came with the river dredging. PWA showed up in force as well as some FOPR folks and Sunrise Rotary. This is the first of a 3 day event....
read moreBarn Owls under web cam at ECWRF have 5 eggs
On 3-22-21, Len Nelson recorded the nesting barn owl under the webcam at ECWRF changing position and 5 eggs came into view. We will be watching for hatching expected very...
read moreDouble-crested Cormorant
Photos and story by Len Nelson It is very rare to see a Double-crested Cormorant looking straight at you to appreciate why they are so named. A local bird that has an active colony nesting site...
read moreDonation to COTS
We held a funding campaign for COTS Outreach a couple months ago and this week John Shribbs, President of PWA, delivered a $1400 check to Jeff Schuller, Outreach Coordinator. Also at the...
read more2 Owls Now in our Eucalyptus Tree Owl Box at Ellis Creek WRF
We cleaned out all the owl boxes at the ECWRF just last month and the large Eucalyptus tree box is now occupied with two barn owls....
read moreTry a stroll at Ellis Creek
Try a stroll at Ellis Creek with a pair of binoculars and a mask in the next week or so if you want to see some cool birds. On Saturday, November 28, Andy LaCasse led the monthly nature walk there....
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