Latest News From Petaluma Wetlands Alliance
Stay up to date with our most recently published articlesShollenberger Cleanup
We have been working on cleaning up the plastic, rubber, and synthetic materials deposited from the dredging process. We are on Day 8 with over 100 volunteer hours from many people in our...
read moreAmerican Bittern Seen & Heard at Shollenberger
From Roger Elliott, 5-2020 Living just a few blocks from Shollenberger Park in Petaluma for 15 years I’ve become quite familiar with its 2-mile loop starting from the parking lot off S. McDowell...
read moreEagle Scout completes project at Shollenberger
Aiden Gilmore finished his Eagle Scount project today at Shollenberger Park by leding Troop74 in refurbishing 5 benches and 1 kiosk. The benches got bolts tightened, surfaces brushed and sanded and...
read moreKiosk cleaned and painted.
With the help of Earl Herr, John Shribbs cleaned and painted the large entrance kiosk at Shollenberger Park. We brushed off the cobwebs and remnants of swallow mud nest, wire brushed all wood...
read moreNew Bench Project Started
John Shribbs and Earl Herr have started a new bench project at Shollenberger Park with 3 benches completed last week. Restoring includes wire brushing, sanding, tightening bolts, and sealing with UV...
read moreGreen Heron Chicks
From Len Nelson: On the bird survey of Shollenberger of June 25th, a Green Heron nest was sited. Deb Sheppard got an image of 3 chicks in the nest and a hint of a 4th. I went back a few times to...
read morePickleweed maintenance at Shollenberger Park
From Chelsea Thompson, City of Petaluma Public Works & Utilities Department: The Shollenberger dredge disposal site has maintenance requirements in order to be used for dredge disposal during...
read moreQR codes now available on Shollenberger Self-guided Tour markers
QR codes are now attached at each post of the Shollenberger Park Self-guided Tour. In addition to a scanning app, Smart phone users will need to install Dropbox (free) in order to open the pdf...
read moreCoast Guard help remove non-native invasive weeds at Shollenberger Park
On April 6, 2017, a crew of 25 from the Coast Guard Station at Two Rock took a break from their classroom to volunteer their time helping to clear non-native invasive weeds at Shollenberger Park....
read moreGreater Scaup Appearing In Shollenberger Pond Now
From Bob Dyer: The most numerous duck at Shollenberger now is the Greater Scaup. They traditionally show up later than most other migratory duck.
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