Mayor Teresa Barrett read the Proclamation of Petaluma Wetlands Day March 2, 2020. It was presented to Joan Cooper of Friends of Shollenberger Park with representation by Friends of the Petaluma River and lots of docents from Petaluma Wetlands Alliance. We are all...
Docent training was held on 8 consecutive Thursdays in January and February. While most sessions were at the Community Center, there were two visits to Shollenberger Park. Current docents were invited to join the new docents for their “graduation” on February 27. In...
Aiden Gilmore finished his Eagle Scount project today at Shollenberger Park by leding Troop74 in refurbishing 5 benches and 1 kiosk. The benches got bolts tightened, surfaces brushed and sanded and then brushed with Arborcoat. Parents worked on the kiosk removing...
Len Nelson lead of team to helpers and over several mornings was able to clean out all of the 19 owl boxes in Ellis Creek. Most are on the path next to Ellis Creak. The largest one is in the Eucalyptus tree in the center of the property between the ponds. This box got...
Kiosk next to Adobe Creek in Alman Marsh has been refurbished. Work crew came a week ago to clean out the insect homes and spider webs and then we put in new windows and then it got several coats of Rosewood Oil and Arborcoat to give it a fresh clean look. This would...