Latest News From Petaluma Wetlands Alliance

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Annual Picnic 2022

PWA held its 2022 annual picnic and meeting on Sunday, July 10th, under the redwoods at McNear Park. Several people expressed how good it felt to get together again, as many have either been...

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9th Annual CBC4Kids Recap

We had 48 kids, 40 parents, and 12 docents for a grand total of 100; a record turnout.   The kids included 18 Girl Scouts who were well prepared for the count.  I hope to see them again with the...

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Rivertown Revival

The Rivertown Revival was a popular success for several thousand visitors came in a variety of steampunk outfits and costumes to ride giant sea saws, dance to music, play games, and get married for...

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Miwok Lecture Sept. 18th

September 18th, Monday, 7 pm   Petaluma Public Library  Free “Learning from the Miwok Culture” We will explore the changing perspectives and environment of local California...

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Feather Fest 2017

From Peter Colasanti: On Sunday, April 15, PWA held our annual Feather Fest at Shollenberger Park. Over 20 avid junior birders attended with parents, siblings and other hangers-on in tow. Our...

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Upcoming Bird Events from Press Democrat

UPCOMING BIRD EVENTS Songbirds of Spring When: 8-10:30 a.m. Sunday, April 23 Where: Glen Oaks Ranch, Sonoma Land Trust outing Information: Learn how to identify birds by their songs and use your...

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