New Bench Project Started

Jun 17, 2019 | John Shribbs, News, Projects, Shollenberger | 6 comments

John Shribbs and Earl Herr have started a new bench project at Shollenberger Park with 3 benches completed last week.
Restoring includes wire brushing, sanding, tightening bolts, and sealing with UV protectant.
We will also work on the kiosks as we move by them.
If you would like to help, contact John or Earl.

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Let us know what you think…



  1. Ken S Zschach

    I would like to adopt a bench for my parents. When will they be available? How do I adopt one?

  2. Ken S Zschach

    I would like to adopt a bench for my parents. How do I adopt a bench? thanks for the great work.

    Thx Ken

    • John Shribbs

      Ken, Did you ever get hold of city Recreation or Parks Depts.? You can reach out to Cindy Chong in Parks or Drew Halter in Recreation John Shribbs, PWA President. Bench program is undergoing a revision.

  3. Caitlin Cunningham

    Please contact me about adopting a bench in memory of my husband who loved to walk there and passed away during this past year. Thank you.

    • John Shribbs

      Greetings Caitlin, Benches officially belong to the city Recreation and/or Parks and you can contact either Drew Halter or Cindy Chong for assistance. John Shribbs, PWA President.


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