By Gail Abrams
Interactive Wetlands Education
The PWA Cornerstone Program
Did you know that most of our grants and contributions express a desire to support our 3rd Grade Wetlands Education Program? It is really through these early habitat experiences that nature comes alive, that children become inspired to become naturalists and ecologists. Our curriculum is a 2-day interactive experience for these youngsters. Over the years, students have created thank you cards expressing how much they enjoyed learning about the feathers, beaks and feet, the animals in the wetlands, and taking part in the owl pellet dissection. They also enjoyed learning to use binoculars on the habitat and bird walks.
This is a very popular program with teachers and students alike. Currently we have more requests from classroom teachers than we can handle. Rest assured, we offer training, practice, and ongoing guidance. No experience is necessary beyond enjoying children and feeling a love for the environment and for our wetlands.
If you are, or if you know someone who enjoys working with children and might enjoy bringing our awesome 3rd grade wetland curriculum to the classroom and to a park, please contact Gail Abrams.