Updated Kiosks in our Wetlands

Mar 10, 2017 | Alman Marsh, News, Projects | 0 comments

kiosk before renovation
The Alman Marsh kiosk has needed updating for  a year.  This photo was taken last July. There was one cabinet in front and a double-cabinet behind. In October all three cabinets were vandalized by someone using a pellet gun. In December, with access, a meeting was held at the site with Al Hesla, Len Nelson, Tony Kamby, Gerald Taylor and myself.  It was decided all three cabinets should be repaired and Gerald agreed to have them fixed.
 fixing kiosk
In February, with all three cabinets repaired (and looking brand-new) Gerald, Tony and I met at the Alman Marsh entrance. After some measurements and discussion, it was decided to install the double-cabinet in front of the kiosk, and use the single cabinet to replace the cabinet at Shollenberger which has irreparable water damage. Here we see Gerald and Tony hard at work.
viewing kiosk
The double-cabinet was soon installed and current information posted. Here is
a tourist examining it. The light areas are reflections and not any problem.

SHOLLENBERGER KIOSK (near entrance at top of first grade)

fixing kiosk 
With a little quick Gerry-rigging,  the remaining, repaired cabinet
was placed in the vacancy left by water-logged one.  As part of the process,
we can now open it with single key, and not have to remove the 37 sets
of nuts and bolts.  
new kiosk
The newsletter had originally been printed on photo paper, so was 

good enough to repost.

Visitor examining kiosk 
A  park visitor looks at the final product.

We should thank Gerald and Tony for the great work.  We now have clean kiosks In all areas of our wetlands.     Docent Bob

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