Latest News From Petaluma Wetlands Alliance
Stay up to date with our most recently published articlesThere were 7 and now there are 5
The camera in the owl box at ECWRF has seen the laying of 7 eggs turn into 7 owlets growing white and then brown feathers. Len has been watching daily as have I and Len reports he believes the two...
read morePWA Celebrates Ciclovia: A Bike or Walk Event!
On Sunday, July 17th, Petaluma Blvd. was closed to vehicles and opened to walkers and bikers, directing them to cross Washington to access Lynch Creek trail and travel across town to Lucchesi Park...
read moreAnnual Picnic 2022
PWA held its 2022 annual picnic and meeting on Sunday, July 10th, under the redwoods at McNear Park. Several people expressed how good it felt to get together again, as many have either been...
read moreShollenberger’s Cliff Swallows under Adobe Creek Bridge
Cliff Swallow Image by Len Nelson By Mary Kadri Working my way through my bird monitoring education with PWA researcher, Len Nelson, I put aside my new fear of spiders to join him in counting cliff...
read moreFeather Fest Champion, Spring 2022
By Mary Kadri On May 7th, 2022 Sheryl Nadeau, long-time PWA docent and incredible all-around volunteer, pulled off another successful spring Feather Fest. Several dozen children attended, along...
read moreTribute to Andy LaCasse
In Memory of Beloved PWA Member Andy LaCasse (1942-2022) by Len Nelson, Research Chair Without the inspiration, insights and education I absorbed from Andy Lacasse, I would not be doing the research...
read moreMonitoring Herons & Egrets at Ellis Creek
Photo of Linda Sheppard & Len Nelson By Mary Kadri Among the several pleasures of volunteering with Petaluma Wetland Alliance, and then volunteering to help lead researcher Len Nelson, is...
read moreRiding with the Researcher
One of the first things Len Nelson, lead bird researcher, will tell you if you ask to go along on one of his birding trips, is “I hope you don’t have a time limit.” Take my word for it, clear your...
read moreEggs in Barn Owl Box
Owl pair in box have laid at least 7 eggs in the owl box in ECWRF. Was able to catch glimpse in short video below.
read moreBike and Drone Tour of North Petaluma River
I toured this area with Elizabeth Howland and Mayor Teresa Barrett two months ago and agreed to create a tour video which I was able to do with a friend with drone and tech skills. Click on frame...
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