Latest News From Petaluma Wetlands Alliance
Stay up to date with our most recently published articlesRed Shouldered Hawk Pair Seen Today
From Bob Dyer: I saw a pair of Red-shouldered Hawks on a eucalyptus tree at Ellis Creek today. There is an old nest there that several breeding pairs have used before.
read moreGreater Scaup Appearing In Shollenberger Pond Now
From Bob Dyer: The most numerous duck at Shollenberger now is the Greater Scaup. They traditionally show up later than most other migratory duck.
read moreSpring Feather Fest for Kids April 15th
Parents and Kids: Join us for this docent-led morning bird and nature walk tradition designed for kids 6-12. Observe nesting behavior of birds amidst the habitats of the Petaluma Wetlands.
read moreUpdated Kiosks in our Wetlands
The Alman Marsh kiosk has needed updating for a year. In October all three cabinets were vandalized by someone using a pellet gun.
read moreRed-throated Pipit at Shollenberger Park
Two pictures of red throated pipit from Peter Colasanti:
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