Latest News From Petaluma Wetlands Alliance
Stay up to date with our most recently published articlesChapter 5 of Bob’s Wetland History and our Birds – Great Blue Heron.
By Bob Dyer, from email sent out 9-2016 The Great Blue Heron (GBHE) is the largest heron (or egret) in North America. It varies from 45-54 inches tall. Weight depends upon location within the...
read moreRivertown Revival
The Rivertown Revival was a popular success for several thousand visitors came in a variety of steampunk outfits and costumes to ride giant sea saws, dance to music, play games, and get married for...
read moreMiwok Lecture Sept. 18th
September 18th, Monday, 7 pm Petaluma Public Library Free “Learning from the Miwok Culture” We will explore the changing perspectives and environment of local California...
read moreGreat-tailed Grackle
Chapter 4 of Bob’s Birds: Great-tailed Grackle, Quiscales mexicanus It has been named the “devil bird”. From USA Today (2013): “When they...
read moreAmerican Coot, Chapter 3 of Bob Dyer’s Blog
The American Coot is clearly both the American and Canadian coot by definition, the only coot around, and scientists says it hasn’t changed much in hundreds of millions of years. it is...
read moreQR codes now available on Shollenberger Self-guided Tour markers
QR codes are now attached at each post of the Shollenberger Park Self-guided Tour. In addition to a scanning app, Smart phone users will need to install Dropbox (free) in order to open the pdf...
read moreFeather Fest 2017
From Peter Colasanti: On Sunday, April 15, PWA held our annual Feather Fest at Shollenberger Park. Over 20 avid junior birders attended with parents, siblings and other hangers-on in tow. Our...
read moreMiwok CA Indian Studies Class and Certificate Program
From Nora Pearl, May 2, 2017 CALIFORNIA INDIAN STUDIES PROGRAM MAPOM California Indian Studies Certificate Program in Partnership with the College of Marin and the Point Reyes National...
read moreBelted Kingfisher
Belted Kingfisher By Bob Dyer, April 2017, Chapter 2 of Bob’s Birds Female Kingfisher with orange belt. The Belted Kingfisher is the only kingfisher seen in California. It is 13″ long...
read more“The Sounds of Spring” article from Press Democrat, 4/20/2017
The sounds of spring Recordings of bird calls reveal hidden details about shifting state of native ecosystems By STEPHEN NETT FOR THE PRESS DEMOCRAT The drought has officially broken, the signs...
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