Feather Fest Champion, Spring 2022

Jul 9, 2022 | Events, Sheryl Nadeau | 0 comments

By Mary Kadri

On May 7th, 2022 Sheryl Nadeau, long-time PWA docent and incredible all-around volunteer, pulled off another successful spring Feather Fest.  Several dozen children attended, along with a parent or other adult, and were led in small groups by volunteers who helped to heighten children’s observations, ask questions, and provide tidbits of information. The children were treated to many gosling and duck babies, as well as herons and egrets picking up nesting material, and swallows going in and out of their houses.

Many children knew quite a bit, and for others it was all new. Sheryl primed their interest by showing them a variety of nests ahead of time and helping them with their binoculars. In addition to the traditional pizza to end the event, she had arranged for docents from the Bird Rescue Center of Sonoma County  (where she also volunteers!) to bring a great horned owl and a northern pygmy owl for children to see up close. Thank you to all who volunteered, and special kudos to Sheryl for all her hours and efforts! If you missed it, don’t worry, you can attend the winter Feather Fest in early January, when the children are on holiday break from school. Why not prime their interest and appreciation of wetlands while giving them a fun outdoor activity to experience?

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