Ellis Creek Bird Surveys

In January 2010, PWA began a monthly bird survey of birds seen from the Ellis Creek Water Recycling Facility trails. The goal was to establish which species were present, in what numbers, and in which seasons. As long as the observation took place from the trail system, every bird seen was recorded, whether in the park, flying overhead, or even outside the park. Data will be used to help evaluate the quality of the habitat at Ellis Creek, as well as provide information on the stability of our migratory bird populations.
Team bird survey leaders are Gene Hunn, Andy LaCasse, Richard Merriss, Ruth Rudesill, and Ron Storey. Len Nelson coordinates the effort and compiles the statistics, and the Excel spreadsheet of these observations can be obtained by emailing Len at lennelsn@comcast.net.
Year | Species | Total Count |
2010 | 128 | 22,999 |
2011 | 128 | 11,865 |
2012 | 125 | 15,203 |
2013 | 117 | 30,731 |
2014 | 129 | 16,789 |
2015 | 129 | 71,809 |
2016 | 123 | 10,614 |
2017 | 128 | 13,338 |
2018 | 127 | 16,529 |
2019 | 130 | 14,804 |
2020 | 124 | 12,617 |
2021 | 124 | 22,954 |
2022 | 130 | 12,059 |
2023 | 126 | 18,647 |
2024 | 120 | 21,312 |