Become a Member / Volunteer
Volunteers for field work or administrative tasks can start right away working with one of our committee chairs. We ask that volunteers become members so that our insurance covers them during the volunteer work, and as part of building community. Volunteer work can be as simple as helping with river cleanups, or volunteers can choose to delve into the work more deeply by becoming a trained docent. Members receive our informative quarterly newsletter and have the right to vote and to put forth agenda items for the Board to consider.
The Petaluma Wetlands Alliance (PWA) provides docent training each year for members who are interested in becoming docent volunteers. The course consists of lectures on wetlands, ecology, plants, birds, other wetlands animals, and training in hands-on techniques used with school groups. Docents are also asked to make a 2-year, 20-hours-per-year commitment as a docent, since considerable efforts and resources go into the training. Most docents find the training and work to be very rewarding.
Become a Docent
- Lead tours for the public at Shollenberger Park, Alman Marsh, and the Ellis Creek Wildlife Sanctuary
- Visit elementary schools and conduct educational activities at Shollenberger Park, using hands-on, science-based activities
- Public speaking and wetlands advocacy
Monitor and Research Birds and Wildlife
- Participate in monthly bird surveys as observer or data recorder
- Build, inspect, and maintain bird and bat housing
Wetlands Restoration and Maintenance
- Minor trail repair
- Cleaning up trash and debris
- Removing invasive weeds
- Planting native species
Publicity and Marketing
- Communicate PWA’s mission and activities to the public
- Help generate funds for the PWA via grants and public contributions
- Solicit organizations or groups to help with various wetland-related activities
- Educate the public about wetlands
- Organize events and fundraisers
- Basic accounting tasks
- Write news articles, grants
- Research information
- Provide and maintain technology and website