Docent training was held on 8 consecutive Thursdays in January and February. While most sessions were at the Community Center, there were two visits to Shollenberger Park. Current docents were invited to join the new docents for their “graduation” on February 27. In addition to getting acquainted and several short presentations, Drew Halter of the Petaluma Parks and Recreation Department presented the new docents with Certificates after thanking all the docents for their contributions. The new docents also received their badges and hats. They are Sondra Barrett, Judy Hawkins, Dennis Redmon, and Marty Slonim. Judy missed the graduation but is in picture below. Special thanks goes to Anne Taylor and her team for developing and delivering the training.
Spread the Word: Annual Docent Training Begins January 9th!
The Docent Training Program runs for 5 consecutive Thursdays, (reduced from 7.) The dates are: January 9, January 16, January 23, January 30, and February 6. Sessions are held at the Petaluma Community Center from 9 a.m. until 12 noon, except for the January 16th...